Hello BumbleBeePottery - Let me help your store !!!
Do you constantly get those type of emails from companies that you've never heard of ? They want to turn my store into a multi-million dollar site without even knowing I'm a one person shop that's already producing as quickly as I can.
At first I just let these emails go, sent to trash folder. But then I thought, "these people can help my store". I no longer trash them, I hit REPLY :
Thank you for reaching out to me in an unsolicited email and offering to help my online store. While I can't purchase your product at this time you can still fulfill your desire to help my online store by visiting it and purchasing a piece of functional pottery or better yet, a piece of art !
Go to www.bumblebeepottery.com and select items such as a sculpture (these are all original one of a kind pieces), a unique teapot such as the ones that I've placed in collectors homes across the country, or just a hand crafted mug that I've personally designed. Yes, you too can own a Helene Fielder ceramic piece in a wide range of prices, functionality or stunning beauty. How exciting is that !!!!Again, thank you for helping my online store.
Hahaha — right on. Be sure to instruct them to reference their 12-digit account number in all correspondence.