The Bumble Bee Blog
The Hippy Bus
air cooled engine Flower Child Flower Chile Hippie Hippie Bus Hippies Hippy Hippy Bus HippyBus Peace Mobile

Dad had one... The neighbors all seemed to have one... Even my uncle had one and told me that when he bought his new Hippy Bus that he paid for it by the pound. It cost him 1800 dollars. Fact or fiction about paying by the pound, I have no idea but the Hippy Bus was that iconic vehicle that everyone wanted to own. Affordable, interesting looking and were built to last for a very long time. It was because of that that they became the symbolic mode of transportation for hippies to travel the country in, and working joes...
Blog - Let Me Help Your Store !!!
Hello BumbleBeePottery - Let me help your store !!! Do you constantly get those type of emails from companies that you've never heard of ? They want to turn my store into a multi-million dollar site without even knowing I'm a one person shop that's already producing as quickly as I can. At first I just let these emails go, sent to trash folder. But then I thought, "these people can help my store". I no longer trash them, I hit REPLY : Thank you for reaching out to me in an unsolicited email and offering to help...
Pocket Minders.... Say What ?
So, what is a Pocket Minder ? Well, a sweet lady was telling me the story of how her husband used to keep a 'pocket reminder' with him at all times. And, how he would pass them out to friends and clients to keep. Each time you would reach into your pocket for something you would pull out this small coin sized 'reminder' and think of the person that gave it to you, or read an inspirational message. But, that's a 'Pocket Reminder' you say. Ok, technically it's a Reminder. But my friend coined the phrase 'Pocket Minders', so Pocket...
Shapes of Things
Come tomorrow, may I be bolder than today....
Bumble Bee Pottery

YEAH ! The new site is up and running !!! Why Bumble Bee Pottery ? I've been thinking about building a site for sometime that would be only for functional works such as mugs, pitchers, platters, etc... while at the same time having my potterybyhelene site more focused on sculptural work. The whole art vs pay the bills kinda thing :) But why Bumble Bee ? Well, it's a play on words of "Just Be You". I loved the thought of something as simple as a small hard working pollinator being in the name of the new online shop, so...